Did you know that the heart is the most electromagnetic organ in your body? Your heart generates 60 to 1000 times more power and electromagnetic energy than your brain, easily making it the most powerful organ you have.¹
Scientists first began measuring the heart’s electrical field with the discovery of the electrocardiogram machine (EKG) in 1895. Not too long ago, a new machine was developed called the magnetocardiogram (MCG), which measures the magnetic field of the heart instead of the electrical field. To their astonishment, scientists found that the heart’s magnetic field extends up to 12 feet in diameter around the body!ٰ ¹
Using this very advanced technology, scientists have been able to confirm some absolutely mind-boggling things about the heart that they never imagined!
- Every beat of the heart sends messages to all the cells of the body.
- The brain in your head obeys the messages sent by the heart.
- The heart can “think” for itself.
- The heart has the ability to “remember” things.
Giving & Receiving Love
One of the more amazing discoveries of modern science is that when a person feels love or affection for another person, the heartbeat of the person sending that love or affection becomes measurable in the magnetic brain waves of the recipient.²
Think about this for a moment. Even scientific study indicates that there is communication taking place between all of us, all the time. I believe that the human heart is both a sender and a receiver of information. It seems to me that the heart sends the energy we call “love,” and can receive that energy in return.
Experience has convinced me that the Heart-Wall hampers your ability to give and receive love and feel other positive emotions. I firmly believe that a Heart-Wall contributes to feelings of isolation, sadness, and other emotional problems.
I estimate that approximately 93% of people have a Heart-Wall! Do you?
What About Success?
When you graduated from high school or college, somebody probably told you to “follow your heart.” I believe that this is the best advice that anyone could ever give you. But what if you have a Heart-Wall?
It’s possible that your ability to find success may be hampered if you have a Heart-Wall. But many people have reported finding success after having their Heart-Wall removed!
The Big Picture
“I believe that the single most important thing you can do for yourself is to get rid of the trapped negative emotions that may be forming a wall around your heart. The Emotion Code™ is the only way that I know of to do this. It is easily learned by anyone, with no previous training required. I believe the release of Trapped Emotions is permanent, and works for all ages. By helping people shed their emotional baggage, we can help them obtain the potential to become empowered — to become who God intended them to be.”
~ Dr. Bradley Nelson (D.C., ret)
Author of The Emotion Code, Creator of The Body Code